The dynamic duo of Shae Celine and Nick Garrett-Powell, two of Southern Oregon's most prolific vocalists perform harmony arrangements of pop music and original music. With a love of mash-ups and stylistic interpretations, the duo always pushes their limits by incorporating unexpected songs from genres new and old.
Helen Hong, from Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, Silicon Valley, Never Have I Ever, and Family Switch! ONE NIGHT ONLY! Show time will be 7:30pm-8:30pm in our Numinos Ballroom. We highly recommend making reservations before the show starts for dinner on our plaza between the times of 4:00pm-6:00pm. Dessert and wines by bottle and glass...
Fresh bluegrass, old-time, and roots music from the hills of Southern Oregon. Cover Charge $8 for non members, free for members
Victoria is Spanish-American. Equipped with her small guitar and harmony pedal, she sings a delightful and mellow mix of Spanish singer-songwriter folk songs and covers of American classics and modern indie.
Phil Reed, of the Brothers Reed. Their style evokes finger picking folk singers from the 60’s and 70’s with a contemporary and boundless bluegrass edge.
Guitar player and violinist Duo